Tuesday, March 29

i{heart}faces: slice of life

super super last minute entry into


i couldn't let a photo of my dedicated husband

slip past this week's contest

Here is today's 


for more slices of life, visit iheartfaces!

Sunday, March 20

79/365 (2011)

meet my hero

my husband

he ran me in the last 1/2 mile of the marathon

couldn't have done it without him!

(picture by my mom!)

Saturday, March 19

78/365 (2011)

birthday party at the playground 

sweet third child in the swing

life for her will be crazy!

Friday, March 18

77/365 (2011)


watching the "mingos" 

with cousins

and a few randoms

fun stuff

Thursday, March 17

76/365 (2011)

a lot of things are debatable

in this photo

(for example: is she Irish? Shouldn't the mom do something about that creepy Leprechaun? etc)

Wednesday, March 16

75/365 (2011)

a lot of chickadee chickadee love going on in this photo shoot

hooray for cuteness!

Tuesday, March 15

74/365 (2011)

my iphone camera
came through for me tonight 
or else
you'd be looking at a blank screen

Monday, March 14

73/365 (2011)

so, truthfully

i have a lot of photos from today

but they're all NAKED photos

so this one will have to suffice

gotta have some privacy, right?!

Sunday, March 13

72/365 (2011)

She's a real runner now


but don't be too alarmed

1/10 of a lap is about all she can muster

one day, though...

i{heart}faces: sun flare

ooo how i love sun flare

there's something so romantic

so ethereal 

so nouveau & risky & hip about not having a perfectly lit picture 

i had a few to choose from this week

but really, i think this photograph sums up the way i feel about sun flare:

it is romantic
it is ethereal
it is a an image of my family ingrained in my mind
on the very last day of 2010

where we literally let the sun set on a fabulous year

for more fantastic sun flare images, visit iheartfaces!

*the awesome thing is, it really IS this beautiful

with only an online editor to my name, nothing "cool" or extra was added*

Saturday, March 12

71/365 (2011)

Today I hosted a shower

in honor of a "lady"*

in my Bible study

*Cutie Face calls the girls in my group ladies :)

Friday, March 11



the only


(seriously only one?!)

i took today 


Thursday, March 10

69/365 (2011)

a photo

taken by my eldest

real life captured by a toddler

Wednesday, March 9

68/365 (2011)

Might be known for it's Choo Choo

but Chattanooga rocks their aquarium, too!

Tuesday, March 8

67/365 (2011)

Shrove Tuesday at Papa & Jen-Gram's church

who can resist green pancakes for dinner?!

not this cutie!

Monday, March 7

66/365 (2011)

Daddy's gone Part II

Cutie Cakes is happy to keep me company in my bed

Sunday, March 6

i{heart}faces: Favorite Face of February

so here it is

the picture i keep coming back to 

i don't know her name

i just know that she captured my attention when we were serving

a youth camp in the inner city of Atlanta




we loved playing and loving on those kids

i hope to see her again soon

65/365 (2011)

Daddy's gone...
Mommy needs yet another fro-yo

Cutie Face is happy to help me

Saturday, March 5

64/365 (2011)


i have a THREE (yes 3!) year old 


Friday, March 4

63/365 (2011)

new-to-us $1.75 consignment sale Cupcake Sweatshirt

a good investment

it scored Cutie Face a $2.50 cupcake to match her sweatshirt

Thursday, March 3

62/365 (2011)

see that picnic table?

turns out it's strategically placed

for a teeny tiny crawler

to hoist herself into the water table

all. by. herself.

impressive and maddening at the same time.

Wednesday, March 2

61/365 (2011)

bed head

crazy head

sweet head

Tuesday, March 1

60/365 (2011)

i was in charge of taking pictures

for Cutie Face's class

19 kids

Who was the LONE child who refused to smile?

oh, yeah

you're looking at her