Sunday, January 31


Making friends on the playground

{one month down, eleven months to go!}

Saturday, January 30


Cutie Face fell asleep in her "Big Girl" bed for the first time today.

sniff. sniff.

Friday, January 29

Thursday, January 28


Part of my dad's Christmas present were tickets to tonight's GA Tech game.

Cutie Face LOVED the atmosphere and was a hoot to watch.

Wednesday, January 27


Silly goose! the bread is for the GOOSE not for you!

Tuesday, January 26


Let me in, Mom! It's only 35!

Monday, January 25

i ❤ faces: Texture

I have to make this quick--still no Internet access (boooo) but I was desperate to make an online appearance this week!

Here is my quicky entry--Cutie Face at the beach last month. I loved the texture of the shells and the foamy sea.


Our resident Goose

oh wait...

we have two

one is just our Silly goose (sorry! i had to include two today!)

Sunday, January 24


Mimi and Poppy came to visit on yet another rainy dreary day!

PS All of the images from January 20-26 are unedited because i have super limited Internet access at the moment. Sorry for the poor quality

Saturday, January 23


Nothing like a rainy day to sweep the floors.

thankfully i had a little helper!

Friday, January 22


I had only taken pictures with my iPhone today
so I wasn't exactly sad when Cutie Face awoke at 11 PM
from a night terror (we think?).

We also think she wanted to catch the very last Conan O'Brien show...

Thursday, January 21


Who needs a stair stepper
when you can chase Cutie Face up and down
ten flights a day?

Wednesday, January 20


We went to the "big kids' park" today. Cutie Face was quite taken with it...

Tuesday, January 19


I took some decent shots with my Lumix today...
but this image (from the Cybershot) was too funny not to share.

Check out the mid-air fall we caught on film.

Cutie Face was quite shocked to see a girl land at her feet.

Monday, January 18


Our first visitors!
Lil' Miss and Sweet Pea came to visit Cutie Face's new haunts.

They LOVED exploring our new yard

Sunday, January 17


Feeling a little more settled, we took an unpacking hiatus and had a fun dinner.

Well, at least Cutie Face had fun!

Saturday, January 16


Cutie Face stayed with her Mimi and Poppy while we moved.
This is how she was returned: one Prima Donna

Friday, January 15


Moving. What a crazy (exhausting!) day.

No Internet :-(

While our new house has a lot of space, one thing it does NOT have is Wifi access. So this will be the extent of my posting until our new Internet access is up and running!
Don't worry--I'm still taking pictures!

Thursday, January 14


So long sweet apartment, you've been good to us for two whole years.
We'll miss you but, more importantly, we'll miss our neighbors.

Wednesday, January 13


The {only} GLORIOUS 30-minutes of sleep that Cutie Face gave me today.

At least she was as angelic today as she looks here!

PS I added an email subscription feed burner thingy on the right hand column...
if you're interested in getting the photo/day delivered straight to your Inbox!

Tuesday, January 12


Cutie Face and Uncle NoNo have fun with the moving bins

This is a horrible photo that i took with the Lumix. I'm posting this photo because the whole point of this blog was to document my photo quality progression. Granted, the camera was dying (my battery charger is lost in the move riffraff) so the shutter speed was s-l-o-w


this is just a small example of how LITTLE i know about dealing with a "real" DSLR camera. Blurry and unfocused are attributes that rule this photo!

Hopefully in a few months (or at least by December!) my Lumix photos will look MUCH better!

Monday, January 11


We took Uncle Noah to the Atlanta Children's Museum today!

Cutie Face painted for the first time in her young life and LOVED it...

after, of course, she first had a chance to taste the paint...

EVERYTHING goes into her mouth!

PS If you are curious about what camera I am taking pictures with, you can always see them at the bottom of the post in the "labels" section--this photo was my cybershot. I MUST find my Lumix charger! yikes! It's hidden in the packing!

i ❤ faces: Best Face Photo

i ❤ faces is continuing their birthday celebration this week with their "Best Face Photo" theme.

For this entry, though, the photo you enter has to have been taken in December '09 or January '10 and needs to be a photo that focuses strongly on the face.

Since we're moving to a house (!yay!) on Friday and I'm 35+ weeks pregnant I, unfortunately, did not have the time to take + edit a new photo.


I'm submitting a photo that I took exactly a month ago (December 11) on my iPhone. Small note about iPhones--as long as you have GREAT lighting and a good editor (I use Picnik), you can get AWESOME shots! Poor lighting and movement=abysmal photos!

I love this picture of Cutie Face. I wish I had the time to take a sweet portrait of her but this is what we've got for now :-)

make sure to visit all the BEST face entries on i ❤ faces this week!

Sunday, January 10


We had even more visitors today--Papa and Jen-Gram came to town to see Uncle Noah! After church, we headed to brunch where there was a loooong wait.

Cutie Face entertained us while we waited for our table--she is such a ham!

PS I'm sad that my Lumix died mid photo-taking. Hopefully we'll get some better quality photos and more images to choose from tomorrow!

Saturday, January 9


We had another exciting day--Uncle Noah came to town!

Sadly, we were too excited once he arrived to remember to take pictures with him. oops

Luckily, I snapped a picture this morning with my phone while we were grocery shopping

Take note: technically, you aren't allowed to put a kid in this kind of don't do this at home, kids :)

Friday, January 8


So many great things to document today--a REAL snow day & Cutie Face's 17-month birthday.

But the real highlight?

Daddy {finally} came home!

I can't decide who is more excited!

Thursday, January 7


After visiting a church friend's new baby,
Cutie Face patiently waits on top of the car while I fish the keys out of my purse... helped that there were boys whopping and hollering up & down the street to distract her!

Wednesday, January 6


Unpacking from Florida just to Pack it all up again. This is my current state of affairs.

Jealous, right?

Tuesday, January 5


Ironies of ironies!

As you may know, Cutie Face broke my camera in November when she accidentally dropped it on a brick floor. Basically, the camera's lens would not close.

This camera then became her "play camera" that I allowed her to "use". She loved it. Yesterday, she left it on her playroom floor and, without realizing it, I sat on it. I heard this strange "crunch" sound and had this horrible feeling that I just broke something. Ironically, the next sound I heard was the camera lens closing. YES. that is right. I fixed the camera by sitting on it.

So now I have three cameras that will be featured on this blog: the iPhone, the Sony Cybershot, and the Panasonic Lumix.

Even more ironic, I set my DSLR camera to a weird setting and don't know how to take it off. So the pictures I took today are really crummy. SO, I'm using my cybershot! Gotta love it.

Sadly, Cutie Face was super sick and cranky and not herself today.
So I took a picture of her utero!

{This, by the way, should be the longest post I ever write on here. I mainly want this to feature a photo and a brief caption!}

Monday, January 4


Yet another iPhone picture as I failed to bring my DSLR camera into Ikea with me.

I had to set Cutie Face down to tie my running shoe and the pile of dogs seemed to be the ideal spot to do so.

i ❤ faces: 2010!

Welcome to my new photo blog! Until this past Friday, January 1, I used to blog on Monkeys on the Bed! I've been a bit overwhelmed with all my blogs, though, so I'm paring down and now only have two (phew!).

I definitely did NOT want to stop participating in my favorite weekly challenge, though, so I plan on continuing posting my entries for the i ❤ faces weekly challenges on this new blog.

This week marks the 1-year anniversary of the i ❤ faces blog launch and they have a special challenge--incorporate their logo into a photo!

I was thinking about alphabet soup or the alphabet cereal but couldn't quite make it to the store to get those I made do with a little Picnik editing (special thanks to my friend Kelly who gave me the Picnik Premium! It makes all the difference!)

Cutie Face and J went to Wiggins Pass and hung out near the pier, watching leaves floating by. I thought the post in the background was the perfect spot for some tree-carving graffiti...a la i ❤ faces!

and i really couldn't pass this one up of my brother-in-law...
think i ❤ faces steak (& beverage!) branding

We can submit up to 5 entries and I desperately want to capture one that I've had in mind for a long time! For now, though, this is what I've got. In the meantime, make sure to head on over to i ❤ faces and see other cool logo-incorporated photos!

I am submitting this photo into the I Heart Faces logo photo contest. By entering, I am granting I Heart Faces LLC permission to consider my photo for use in the marketing and promotion of their website.

Sunday, January 3


We saw lots of family today and took lots of photos on the DSLR
GiGi (Cutie Face's great-grand) gets today's photo shout-out on an iPhone pic!

Saturday, January 2


So long Florida...hello looooooong car ride

Friday, January 1


Cutie Face watches Baby Signing Time while we watch the Bowl games!*

*I have a feeling this will be a tough assignment--just choosing one photo a day!